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Good Afternoon, Mt. Carmel Family! I trust you had a wonderfully blessed and Christ-centered day!

I wanted to highlight the fact that this Sunday, September 13, we will be hosting Pastor Archie Webster as our guest speaker at both the 9:00 and 11:00 services! I am thrilled to have my good friend and fellow Page County shepherd to be with us at Mt. Carmel!

An additional blessing is that Pastor Webster has invited his congregation to join us for the 11:00 service, so we will be blessed to worship King Jesus together alongside our Christian brothers and sisters from our community! Please greet everyone—both old and new friends—with great joy as we celebrate the One in whose image we were all created! 

I also wanted to make certain you were aware of three exciting events will be taking place on Sunday, September 20! 

1) We are planning another baptism, so if you or someone from your family would like to be baptized, please let one of the pastors know. (You can just reply to this e-mail.)

2) We are celebrating Back-to-School Sunday by pausing the service to pray for all our school teachers, administrators, students, and parents. (Encourage a teacher/staff to join you.)

3) We are launching our Life Groups again with 2 groups meeting at the church on Sunday morning at 10 a.m. between services, 2 on Sunday night, and 2 on a weeknight. (More details about the classes will be released as soon as they are finalized.) 

If there is one thing you can do today, please pray! Pray that the Spirit of God provides guidance and direction as we continue to expand ministry—and pray that the Spirit of God empowers us to become the disciple-making community Jesus desires us to be. Have a blessed evening!

Pastor Brian